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Cathi in the Great Room >

14 x 22 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board 



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< Fluke Engagement

20 x 28 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board    

Forever Floating >

water soluble wax on cotton board




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< Katie and Molly

9.5 x 15 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board    

Shoups at Home >

11 x 52 inches, oil on linen



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< Samantha

water soluble wax on cotton board    

Justin >

15.5 x 10 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board




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< Sue Ellen and Shmorgus

6 x 10 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board    

Sisters >

8 x 15.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board




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< Nude on Rock

26 x 53 inches, oil on linen  

Purrfect >

water soluble wax on cotton board

webpurfect.jpg (284000 bytes)

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< Dix Daughters

37 x 47 inches, oil on linen

Michael and Elizabeth >

11 x 14.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board

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webdandave.jpg (54307 bytes)

< David and Danny

34 x 38 inches, oil on linen

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