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1989 Pacific Northwest Ballet Nutcracker Ball Invitation

This invitation design introduced the first four Nutcracker Balls

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1991 Seattle Opera production of The Ring

Poster art as well as for banners, catalog covers, t-shirts, tote bags, and embroidered jean jackets


1999 Celebrate Swedish Dinner Auction Invitation

Soiree Exotique proceeds benefit the Swedish Medical Center's charity care. The invitation set the theme for decor and all other collateral material developed for the event such as auction catalog, signage, certificates, name tags, raffle tickets and marketing mailers.


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2000 JDF Dream Gala Dinner Auction Invitation

Juvenile Diabetes Foundation funds research to cure diabetes and its complications. The invitation set the theme for decor and all other collateral material developed for the event such as auction catalog, signage, certificates, name tags, raffle tickets, thank you card, note pads, gift tags, and marketing mailers.

2000 Celebrate Swedish Dinner Auction Invitation

Soiree Fantasia proceeds benefit the Swedish Medical Center's charity care. The invitation set the theme for decor and all other collateral material developed for the event such as auction catalog, signage, certificates, name tags, raffle tickets and marketing mailers.

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2001 JDF Dream Gala Dinner Auction Invitation

Juvenile Diabetes Foundation funds research to cure diabetes and its complications. The invitation set the theme for decor and all other collateral material developed for the event such as auction catalog, signage, certificates, name tags, raffle tickets, thank you card, note pads, gift tags, and marketing mailers.


2001 Celebrate Swedish Dinner Auction Invitation

Soiree Matisse proceeds benefit the Swedish Medical Center's charity care. The invitation set the theme for decor and all other collateral material developed for the event such as auction catalog, signage, certificates, name tags, raffle tickets and marketing mailers.


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2002 Celebrate Swedish Dinner Auction Invitation

Atlantis Rising proceeds benefit the Swedish Medical Center's charity care. The invitation set the theme for decor and all other collateral material developed for the event such as auction catalog, signage, certificates, name tags, raffle tickets and marketing mailers.

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