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All recent work on display is also available by order in reproduction. Giclée Print is the term the fine art printing industry has given it — a French term meaning "to spray" and refers to the IRIS printer and its ability to spray variably sized microscopic droplets of vegetable dye based inks with unparalleled precision on, in this case, archival paper. The dimensions given refer to the image area. Giclée Prints have additionally 1" borders and are signed and numbered by the artist.

These images are also available as postcards, sold as a set or individually. The set of 30 postcards are $25 and individually the postcards are $1.


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< Trois fenetres / Three windows

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

Les amants / The lovers >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

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< En attendant le maitre / Waiting for the master

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

Au-dessus la boutique / Above the shop >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

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< Vue du balcon / View from the balcony

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

La bijouterie / The jewelry shop >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

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< Les boites aux lettres / Letter box

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

Le cafe de deux magots / The cafe of two stashes >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

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< L'entretien / The conversation

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

Derriere la maison / Behind the house >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

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< Fleurdeliser / Ornamented with fleurs de lis

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

Elle aime la glace / She loves ice cream >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

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< La grange / The barn

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

Le jardin prive / The private garden >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

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< La librairie / The book shop

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

La court de marbre / The marble courtyard >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

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< Rue du marche / Market street

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

Mille prieres / a thousand prayers >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

webmilleprieres.jpg (61060)

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< L'ombre d'un arbre / The shadow of a tree

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

Plein air / Fresh air >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

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< La quincaillierie / The miscellany shop

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

La vielle fenetre / The old window >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

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< Les voisins / The neighbors

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

Le jardin suspendu / The hanging garden >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

websuspendu (64264)

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< Le rideau de dentelle / The lace curtain

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

La porte de la fleuriste / The florist's door >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 



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< La fleuriste / The florist

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

Kultur / Culture >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

webkultur.jpg (57146)

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< La reflexion de Napoleon / The reflection of Napoleon

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

Les fleurs en beton / Cement flowers >

Giclée Print, 14 x 21 inches, $150 each print 

webfleursbeton.jpg (70530)

To purchase a Giclée Print:

Contact Blackwell Studios