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Menus Chapter >

10 x 11.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board $2,250 Sold


latte.jpg (48220 bytes)

appetizer.jpg (39024 bytes)




< Appetizers & Beverages Chapter

10 x 11.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board $2,250

Soup Chapter >

10 x 11.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board $2,250


soup.jpg (47166 bytes)

bread.jpg (55313 bytes)




< Bread & Breakfast Chapter

10 x 11.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board $2,250

Salad Chapter >

10 x 11.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board $2,250




salad.jpg (49020 bytes)

pasta.jpg (73550 bytes)

< Pasta Chapter

10 x 11.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board $2,250 Sold

Seafood Chapter >

10 x 11.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board $2,250

seafood.jpg (46873 bytes)

salmon.jpg (48662 bytes)

< Salmon Chapter

10 x 11.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board $2,250

Poultry Chapter and Cover >

10 x 11.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board $2,250 Sold

poultry.jpg (52801 bytes)

meats.jpg (43730 bytes)

< Meats Chapter

10 x 11.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board $2,250

Vegetables Chapter >

10 x 11.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board $2,250

veggie.jpg (54658 bytes)

dessert.jpg (44503 bytes)

< Desserts Chapter

10 x 11.5 inches, water soluble wax on cotton board $2,250 Sold

Contact Blackwell Studios